Easter Goodies
Easter is coming! For teachers and parents who are looking for an enjoyable Easter hour of listening and drawing - and perhaps even singing! - we recommend the following:
BENNY BUNNY’S BAND – Familiar Americana tunes made new with endearing lyrics. The Ragtime band members are a colorful case of characters: dragons and whales and dinosaurs and even singing chipmunks (oh, my!), and of course plenty of bunnies frolicking to “marching band” music. As Ruth Roberts (songwriter extraordinaire) herself said of this show: “….a wondrous collection of the many ways music moves us to dream and laugh and enjoy the fun and nonsense of…..a rabbit who leads a band, a dragon whose tail grows up to the moon, and a ride on the back of a dinosaur.” 10 “out of this world” songs and activities that young folks will ask for over and over again, among them “The Dipsy Doodle Dragon of Dipsy Doodle Town,” “The Dragon and the Princess,” “Betty Bunny’s Birthday Day,” “Jack Rabbit the Home Run Bunny,” and “I’d Rather be a Bunny,” just to mention a few.

EASTER SONGS THAT TICKLE YOUR FUNNY BONE – Another in our “Funny Bone” Series, this 16-song sing-along collection gets children into the Holiday spirit with several amusing familiar tunes set to new lyrics such as “How Much Corn Can a Little Chick Eat?” Also includes “A Passover Song.” Appeals to Grades K thru 3.

THE MARSHMALLOW BUNNY – This Children’s Theatre mini-play is an adorable Easter program that features our love for grandmother. Songwriter Ruth Roberts employs simple poetry and then a lovely ballad to pay tribute to her own grandmother, who created the idea of a “marshmallow bunny.” The students play various “Storytellers” as they spin this endearing tale. For Grades K - 3.

THE PARADE OF THE EASTER BUNNIES – The great music festival of all the musical bunnies. Excellent for early reading motivation and introduction to music. 15 - 20 minutes.